Eyelid Surgery

As we age, the skin of the eyelids, especially the upper lids, can become redundant and sag. This can sometimes happen to the point that it interferes with normal vision.

Removing this excess skin and some of the fat deposits around the upper eye can restore a more youthful appearance, and resolve visual difficulties associated with this problem. In fact, if the field of vision is affected by this skin, your procedure may be covered by insurance. Revive works in conjunction with The Eye Center of Central Pennsylvania whose staff will perform the testing needed to determine whether you meet the criteria set forth by insurance providers for this procedure.

The surgery is done under local anesthetic at Revive. As with any surgery, bruising is common and may be present up to two weeks following the procedure. Light activity may be resumed within 2-5 days from the surgery, normal activity may resume after 2 weeks.